The housing crisis in the Bay Area and beyond, economic stagnation, widening wealth inequality, environmental degradation―can Henry George's ideas offer a path forward that unfettered capitalism and incremental socialism lack? Interviews, roundtable discussions, and debates.

Rohin Ghosh on DC, Tenant Movements, Democracy 2023-09-28
Rohin Ghosh has moved on to school in DC, and has been keeping busy by acquiring public office (!); he informs us all about how DC's ANCs work, as well as larger dynamics of housing in our nation's capital. Also talk on tenant organizing, as well what this means for democracy more generally.

Rohin Ghosh on DC, Tenant Movements, Democracy
Rohin Ghosh on Peninsula Non-Profits, and Youth Perspective in Palo Alto 2021-08-26
Rohin Ghosh was a high-schooler in Palo Alto just a few months ago, but has already had years of involvement in renter and houseless campaigns throughout the Peninsula, and is here to talk about what's it's like for teens in this crazy environment, as well as his perspective on the landscape of non-profits throughout the Peninsula, based on his work. Also talk about how cities are reflecting to RHNA allocations, tenant organizing in Palo Alto, and more

Rohin Ghosh on Peninsula Non-Profits, and Youth Perspective in Palo Alto